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The Gift of Investing in Yourself: Embracing Your Worth

Tabitha MacDonald Episode 21

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I remember staring at the checkout screen, hesitating to click "buy" on a program that promised to transform my career. The fear of financial commitment was real, yet the potential for growth was undeniable. Join me, Tabitha MacDonald, your intuitive transformation coach, as we conclude our deeply insightful 12-part series on self-gifting with a candid discussion on why investing in ourselves, be it time, money, or belief, is pivotal. Together, we'll dissect the discomforts of financial investment in personal and career growth and the societal challenges that often lead us to undervalue our worth. This final episode is not just an end, but a beginning to understand the transformative power of reflecting on our experiences and the future we can shape.

As I reflect on the '12 Days of Self-Gifting and Wishes', I am reminded of the collective growth journey we've embarked on. This series was designed to empower you to take bold steps towards your personal development. I'll share how the act of self-gifting has profoundly influenced not only my life but also holds the promise to illuminate yours. As we bid farewell to this series, let's look forward to making 2024 a year of breakthroughs and the start of a transformative decade. Whether you've participated in my programs, joined live retreats, or simply offered your valuable feedback, know that your engagement has been the fuel that keeps this endeavor aflame. Here's to a Happy New Year brimming with empowerment and mindful love.

About Tabitha
Tabitha MacDonald is an Intuitive Coach and Healer committed to helping people overcome their pain as fast as possible so that they can have the love, success, freedom and fulfillment they truly desire.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Mindful Love Podcast. My name is Tabitha McDonald. I'm an intuitive and a transformation coach. On today's podcast, we are going to talk about investing in yourself. This is the last episode in a 12-part series that I'm doing about gifts that you can give your future self, and I really wanted to talk about investing in your future self.

Speaker 1:

When we talk about investing, it's not necessarily investing money. It could be investing time, it could be investing money and it could be investing your resources and also just investing, I would say, faith in the person that you're becoming, but I want to talk about investing financially in your future self. Whenever we talk about money, it makes people uncomfortable. I've been doing a money mindset program since the beginning of the year and it really got me thinking about money and how uncomfortable it makes us to talk about it and how we're not only afraid to ask for it, but we're afraid to receive it. And I don't know if this is as true for the males as it is for females, but a lot of females also struggle charging what they're worth when it comes to being in a service-based industry, and so we do have a lot of belief structures around investing in ourselves, and that could be investing in our personal growth. It could be investing in our career growth. It could be investing our time, our attention, our knowledge and applying it to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

I think about when I hear people say, oh, I don't have money for coaching or it's not worth it. What I'm really hearing is I don't know if it will work for me. Nothing else has. And I want to speak to you for a moment, because you're right, coaching doesn't work for everyone. You really have to put the work in, and that's when we look at investing time time in your journey and time in your growth.

Speaker 1:

I bought a lot of coaching programs over the years that I never invested my time in and I said the same thing. I said, oh, coaching doesn't work, it's not going to help me. I'm the special unicorn that's incapable of change or growth, and what I realized was I hadn't found the right program for me yet, and it's not that those programs didn't get me further along in my journey and that the investment was a waste, because I can see now, looking back, the knowledge and the growth that I experienced and the foundation for what was to come was priceless. I think now about the financial investment I made in those programs and I think, wow, that was a priceless gift that I gave myself. It was, you know, pennies on the dollar to what I got from those experiences and the knowledge and the foundational understanding of how my mind worked was literally priceless.

Speaker 1:

And so then I do hear from clients a lot like I'm afraid of you know, wasting my money on something, like I said, that doesn't that I don't know will work for me. And the truth is you can buy a book from the library or from Burns and Noble or Amazon and you don't know that you're going to like that book. You can buy a shade of nail polish and not sure if it's going to really look good on you. There's a lot of things that we buy that we don't know with 100 absolute certainty is going to work for us. I mean, if you could look at my wardrobe, sometimes I'll, you know, go to like the outlet or something and there's all this stuff on sale and I get into that you know mindset of buying and consuming and I walk away with a lot of clothes that I'll never wear and I think about, wow, I invested a lot of money in that stuff and now I'm going to gift it to someone else, and sometimes that's you know what we do with when we buy courses or we buy programs. We buy them because our future self, our higher self, says yes, this is going to help you, but then our ego gets in the way and our shadows aspects and we don't do the work. And it's not that the program or the course wasn't going to help you. It's that there was this deep, underlying fear of change and of the person that you're becoming. And that's why you really want to have that anchor on the person you're becoming to help you through the days when you convince yourself that that program wasn't for you. And that was probably the best gift that I got when I joined Magnetic Mind was I kept fighting the changes and I didn't want to actually shift into the person I was becoming had a lot of fear.

Speaker 1:

And my person who signed me up I called him, yelling, wanting a full refund, and I was like you guys are crazy. And he called me up and he said Tabitha, this is part of the process like this is your old self afraid of changing. And luckily I trusted him enough to listen to what he was saying and take it into account and when I really reflected, he was 100% right. I could feel myself finally making the changes that I had been trying to make for a really long time and it was working, and I was doing the work to make it work. And I think that scared me, and so I wanted to sabotage the experience and prove yet again that coaching didn't work, or, you know, focusing on my mental and emotional health wasn't wasn't worth the investment.

Speaker 1:

And I'm so glad that he said that to me, because now, when my students join my courses, the first thing I say to them is right about halfway, your ego is going to convince you that this was a terrible waste of money and time and you're not going to want to keep showing up to the classes. And that's when you need to show up the most and ask for help, because that means you're right on the verge of change. And that is when you want to put your ankles like, or put your heels in the ground and keep going, because that is when it's the most important. It's like that, that time when you're running a marathon not that I've ever ran one, but from what I hear from the runners I work on, it's like that, that midway point where you just feel like you don't have any energy, but you just you can't turn around and so you just have to keep focusing on where you're going.

Speaker 1:

And I think that the same is true with any personal development or growth journey is that you don't always know that it's going to work or that you're going to make it across the finish line, but you just keep focusing on where you're going and it's just one step in front of the other. And that's when you know that the investment was worth it, because you're showing up for yourself and completing something. And that's an investment in your future self, that's an investment in you, and that is an investment of your time, of your money, of your resources, and it is one that will pay itself back over and over and over again in ways that you can't even imagine. And I always think about that. Those old was the MasterCard commercials where they made me cry every time, where they would show like ballet shoes, pink tutu, and then like the price, and then seeing the little girl on stage twirling and going, you know, watching your, you know butting ballerina for the first time in her first recital priceless.

Speaker 1:

And I always think about that because it's true, because those experiences that we get to have because we made an investment in ourselves are priceless. They're priceless when I get to call, like have a conversation with my daughter on the phone and she's upset because she's having a challenge or something, and I'm like, okay, I'm sorry, I actually, you know, didn't model good relationships for you, so now this is something that you're struggling with and can I help you with it? Because I have the knowledge now, I have the ability to help you now, and I didn't have it when you were growing up. And I'm sorry, but I want to help you now. And she says, yes, that's priceless. That's worth every any that I ever invested in myself, because it wouldn't have had the same result if I had tried to pay for her to go to a program, because it meant more for me.

Speaker 1:

And so what I would love for you to consider is how can you invest in yourself? And it doesn't necessarily have to be a massive investment. You don't have to go spend $20,000 on a coaching program. You could listen to a free podcast, attend a webinar, have conversations with people, go to a consciousness meetup group and start investing your time and your energy. And if you want to go down a path of investing your financial, making a financial investment in yourself. Do that and think about the benefits, not only to yourself but to the people in your life, because when you feel happy and you feel grounded and you feel centered and present, that has a rippling effect on everyone in your life, not just your children, but your family and your coworkers and your future customers. If you're entrepreneurial minded, it has an impact bigger than you realize, because when you make that investment in yourself, you start to realize how much you didn't value yourself before and how much you value yourself now, and that is priceless.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much for listening to these 12 days of gifts that you can give yourself, and I hope you found this segment helpful and knowledgeable. I know for me it was a huge growth opportunity because I had to do 12 back to back podcasting episodes and that helps me step more into my choice, my decision of having a bigger impact on society and helping other people learn from some of the lessons that I learned from, and I hope that maybe there was something that inspired you and maybe something that you could take away into your own life or share with somebody else on their journey, and if it was meaningful to you in any way, I would love for you to just subscribe to the podcast channel and leave me a review. That would be the best gift. I am trying to get to 100 reviews so that I can have a. It has something to do with rankings and things like that. So all new stuff I'm still learning and growing in.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much for your time today, and I just wanna say 2024 is gonna be an amazing year, if you choose it to be, and it could be your breakthrough year. It could be the starting point of your breakthrough decade. It could be the pivot that you needed to make massive changes in your life that are gonna help you become the person that your soul is asking you to be With. That said, happy new year, and I hope to see you in one of my programs or maybe one of my live retreats, or even just to hear your comments and feedback really helped me stay motivated and excited and to know that what I'm doing matters. So happy new year. My name is Tabitha McDonald and you can find me at mindfullovelove.

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